[Life In The "_____"]
Shinji Wakasa solo exhibition.
Desgin by Shingo Kurono

"New lifestyles, new societal norms, new '_____'. Living in a world where new values and cultures are being explored in the wake of Covid-19, what are the fundamental ways of life and values for us? In 1845, Henry David Thoreau secluded himself in the woods for about two years, and based on his book 'Life In The Woods', I created a short soundscape work composed only of sound and recitation. In the world of sound that one encounters by blocking out the visuals and straining one's ears to the faint light in the headphones, what does the listener lose and what do they gain when they finally open their eyelids at the end? Creating a new era and culture, in a room of the now fading HOTEL CLASKA the 8th gallery, this is a small experiment to open our ears to the world where new values such as 'With Corona', 'New Normal', etc. are pressing in, and to listen to the essence.
Thanks and sound collaboration to Aaron McKnight."
新たな生活様式、新たな社会容態、新たな“_____“。Covid19以降、新しい価値観や文化が模索される世界に生きる私たちにとって、本源的な生き方、また価値観とはなんなのだろう。1845年、森の中に約二年間隠遁したヘンリーデイヴィッドソローの著書[ウォールデン森の生活(Life In The Woods)]を元に、音響と朗読のみで構成した短いサウンドスケープ作品を描いた。視覚を遮断し、微かな灯の中ヘッドフォンに耳を澄まして触れる音の世界。その終わりに改めて目蓋を開く時、聴取者は何を失い、何を得ているだろうか。新しい時代と文化を創造し、そして今消えゆくHOTEL CLASKA the 8thギャラリーの一室で、With コロナ、ニューノーマル等、新しい価値観が迫りくる世界に対し、耳を開いて本質を聴き取るための小さな実験。
Thanks and sound collaboration to Aaron McKnight